Sunday 10 January 2010

Hello again my lovelies!

I told a few of my girlfriends about this site and mentioned that they sh9ould read my article on the home security signs. They now think I am great because they have created these signs for all over their house for not only their kids to shape up but for their husbands and boyfriends too ha-ha!

I wanted to talk today about other ways to make sure your kids and family is safe and that is certain ways to make your house secure from outsiders such as criminals and thief’s.

One way that I have been combating the would be criminals from entering my house is a simple motion triggered light just outside next to the front door. The premise is simple; if the sensor detects movement a light will go on and shine on whoever or whatever is in my garden at that time.

I have noticed some cases that the light has gone of because of a cat or a hedgehog but that is to be expected. The main purpose for the light is to put off any potential person thinking about breaking into my property.

So far so good, I’ve not had any incidents which are a good thing as I live in a rather bad area when it comes to break ins. Just last week a neighbour had their door bashed in, television and video game consoles stolen.

I don’t need to tell you that it’s quite a bit of money lost for the poor people. I feel sorry for them but a little part of me likes to think that it wouldn’t have ever happened if they had simply put these procedures into place.

There are of course other ways to protect your home other than setting up a motion detector light outside. I will be talking about these with time to come but for now, the kids are screaming and I need a well deserved cup of tea. Later girlfriends!!

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